Thursday, March 19, 2015

Moringa Pizza: A Healthy Alternative

Moringa Pizza

With Moringa, we can bake our pizza, and eat it too! Check out Moringa America for your next Moringa purchase. 
As a family business, our hope is to inspire others to make a difference in the world. 

Wholegrain crust or wholegrain flat tortilla 
Organic or other spaghetti sauce
Chopped onions and chopped spinach
Freshly picked Moringa Oleifera leaves - lots 
Queso Cheese, mozzarella cheese or melting cheese of your choice
Several minced fresh garlic cloves or garlic salt 
Olive oil drizzled over all 

Bake in preheated 400 degree F oven, until cheese melts and crust is light brown.
We have not given you any specific quantities to use for your Moringa 
pizza, as that is a matter of personal choice. You just want to be sure 
you cover the flatbread with sauce, to within about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from 
the edge. As long as you add Moringa leaves, you cannot "go wrong"

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