The Wonders of Malunggay Tree - Part 2
by Dave Roekle
(see part 1)In West Africa, physicians are using it to diagnose diabetic, hypertensive, and wounded patients. It serves as anti inflammatory medicine, as well. A dash of malunggay leaves or powdered leaves can purify and make the untreated water drinkable.
Furthermore, Moringa is a quadruple source of beta carotene as compared to carrots. It is effective in battling against cancer. We must inform Popeye, too, that malunggay has triple iron than that of spinach and more substantive features than olive oil. And enough with the expensive milk products produced intentionally for infants, the Moringa can be a cheap replacement or substitute for whole milk powder for malnourish treatments.
The dried leaf powder of malunggay, per grams, contains 27.1g protein, 38.2g carbohydrate, 19.2g fiber, 2.3g fat, 2,003mg Ca, 368 mg MG, 204mg Phosphorus, 1,324 mg Potassium, 28.2 mg iron, 870mg Sodium, 16.3 mg Vitamin A-B carotene, 1.33g Arginine, 2.6mg Vitamin B1- Thiamin, 0.61% Histidine/g/16gN, 20.5 mg Vitamin B2- Riboflavin, 1.32% Lysine, 8.2 mg Vitamin B3- Nicotinic acid, 0.43% Tryptophan (g/16gN), Vitamin C, 17.3 mg Ascorbic acid, 1.39 % Phenylanaline (g/16gN), 113 mg Vitamin E Tocopherol acetate, 0.35% Methionine (g/16gN), 1.19% Threionine (g/16gN), 1.95% Leucine (g/16gN), 0.83% Isoleucine, 1.06% Valine, 205 calorie, and 1.6mg oxalic. Whoaah! The list is too lengthy.
Given the aforementioned vitamins and minerals in the malunggay, no wonder why it was being called as nature’s healing wonder. It will not only cure illnesses, it will be a great help of preventing unwanted occurrence of ailments. It’s time for saving; cultivate your own Moringa (malunggay) tree. If you already have, care for it and gain the benefits.
Gregory Palm Farms in Orange, CA. has containerized, live Moringa trees for sale. You can get full details here: