Friday, March 4, 2011

The Moringa (Malunggay) Tree and Its Powers

Malunggay, scientifically known as Moringa Oleifera, is native to Republic of the Philippines. It is one of the varieties of genus Moringa that is widely cultivated in Asia. It belongs to the family of Moringaceae. Malunggay is an extraordinary vegetable tree which parts were noted to contribute potential uses. Its tree is slender that can grow as high as 10m. It has multiple branches that bear numerous tiny leaves.

This miracle tree grows in tropical and subtropical areas. It can grow faster in sandy soil but it can thrive in any type of soil, even salty soils in the coastal areas. It is can tolerate and resist drought seasons and can survive rainy seasons. The tree is not robust enough to stand intensive windy climate. Accordingly, most parts of the Malunggay tree are edible.

The young green pods that are called drumsticks are the popularly used part of the Malunggay tree. It tastes like slight asparagus and usually cooked like green beans. For mature pods, the beans will be taken out and can either roasted or eaten like peas. The flowers taste like mushrooms and very delicious. The leaves are like spinach that is added up to chicken or fish broths for a delicious finish. The tree contains calcium, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorous and potassium.

In Siddha medicine, malunggay seeds are taken to increase and prolong sexual activities and serve as the treatment for arousing and erectile disorders in both men and women.

Forty percent of edible oil, called ben oil, can be yielded by Moringa seeds. Ben oil may be used in cooking, cosmetics, and as lubricants. Once refined, the ben oil looks clear and odourless. It can also resist rancidity like any other botanical oils. The seeds being gathered after oil extraction are used to fertilize plants or as flocculants for water purifying.

Lots of scientific studies were conducted proving the humble plant's powerful and nutritional components. It has the ability to rebuild weak bones, enrich good blood flow, and nourish lactating mother's milk. Its containing calcium per ounces is compared to four glasses of milk. It has more of vitamin C than is compared to seven orange fruits and its potassium is like that of three bananas.

According to Lowell Fuglie, the nutrition and Vitamins we can get from a Malunggay is 10 times more than other food source such as carrots for beta carotene, orange for vitamin C, banana for phosphorus, spinach for iron, milk for calcium, and yogurt for protein.

The Malunggay tree also contains antibiotics and anti-inflammatory treatments. It is because the tree can be a good source of alkaloids that can pre-empt unwanted growth. It can heal wounds so easily and can even stop the bleeding of an open and internal wound.

The tree of moringa is therefore a miracle tree. At present, the World Health Organizations are enjoining the help of government and non-government organizations of tropical countries to plant, in massive scale, the tree of Malunggay. African and Asian countries are well supported to cultivate this plant to address hunger and malnutrition.

For more information and to order Moringa products, please visit our website at:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Medicinal Use of Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera is popular all over the world. Its contribution in the field of medicine is the major reason why it was widely acclaimed as the "miracle plant." All parts of Moringa Oleifera such as the bark, roots, flowers, drumsticks, and leaves are all very useful. There are many research conducted to reveal the essentials of each parts of malunggay.

Malunggay, also known as the moringa Oleifera is a tropical plant. It can withstand changes in the climate. It can tolerate drought and consistent rainfalls. Its tree is not a cold hardy but it can thrive in not so windy climate. It is massively cultivated in Asia, particularly the Philippines, where it originates. The plant can withstand neglects also. Once planted, it will find its way to grow and develop with more leaves. In the Philippines, majority of household backyards do have malunggay tree. It does not matter whether the owner is rich or poor. It is always a common saying for Cebuanos, "Mas mayo pa matumba ang balay, ayaw lang ang kamunggay" or It is okay to have the house fall or ruined but not the malunggay.

Moringa (Malunggay) is known for its wide use. Other than being a delicious edible plant, it is the answer for the poor on the skyrocketing prices of synthetic medicines. Synthetic has side-effects while taking the nature-given gifts for medication like the malunggay is free from it. It has no over dosage, as well. Here under are medicinal use of Moringa Oleifera or Malunggay:

The young leaves increase the flow of milk for lactating mothers. It helps in the production of ounces and ounces of high quality milk for infants. In return, the well nourished baby will grow healthy and strong. The calcium-rich nutrition that the malunggay can bring will develop strong bones.

The feeling of being constipated is uncomfortable. The malunggay leaves and fruits area good for relieving constipation. Mixing it as finishing additional to chicken or fish broth will make it taste good more than spinach.

For ulcers and sores, a decoction of malunggay roots will surely help. You can use it by washing the sores and ulcers with the decoction in warm water. On the other hand, the bark can be decocted can be used to relieve restlessness and promote excitement. The swelling and inflammation of flesh can be treated as poultice. The juice extracts can be used for otalgia. A decocted root is useful to be used as a gargle for hoarseness and sore throat.

Hypertensive patients may take the seeds of malunggay. It is good natural medicine also for asthma, hiccups and as diuretic. The seeds can be mashed into powdered forms or roasted and applied in affected areas where rheumatism occurred.

The roots of Moringa (Malunggay) can be mixed with milk to cure asthma, hiccups, gout and lumbago.

For wounds and cuts, freshly pounded leaves mixed with coconut oil is the best cure. The flowers boiled with soy milk are believed to have an aphrodisiac quality. This is best for erectile dysfunctions.

For more information and to order Moringa products, please visit our website at: